Updates to our Rust Cargo.toml Scanner

New fresh rusty updates

rust.firosolutions.com website

So we wanted to make a command line version of rust.firosolutions.com for
quickly being able to check and validate current crate(/library) versions
in the Cargo.toml file.
So when building a rust project we could simply validate the external crate(’s)
Because running with = “*” where the version is equal to just get the latest version is dangerous
and will mostly break things in the future, luckily we could
just run cargo search to grab the latest version from crates.io.

We added /apiadd which takes json as input and the url of the Cargo.toml file as
a json key, So it can look like:

>>> aa = requests.get('https://rust.firosolutions.com/apiadd', json={'urllink':'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FiroSolutions/vuln_rust/master/Cargo.toml'}) 
>>> aa.text

or use curl:

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"urllink":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FiroSolutions/vuln_rust/master/Cargo.toml"}' https://rust.firosolutions.com/apiadd

then it returns a paste id that we can go to https://rust.firosolutions.com/paste/
to view it in a regular browser like if you where just using the site as regularly. In order for you to integrate it in to your applications we added support so you
can get the response in a json back instead of html by just adding /jsonresponse
to the url.
An example of this would be:

Hacking together a script

rustci on github website
We summoned our inner spaghetti coder and wrote a script in python :)

$ cat checklibs.py   
#python >=3.6
import requests, json
import os, sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT

print('Checking Cargo.toml')
#check if file is here
print('Uploading Cargo.toml')
command = "cat Cargo.toml | nc termbin.com 9999"
fluff = Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
link = fluff.stdout.read()#b'https://termbin.com/7a3u\n\x00'
link = link.decode().split('\n')[0]
aa = requests.get('https://rust.firosolutions.com/apiadd', json={'urllink':link})
for x in json.loads(requests.get("https://rust.firosolutions.com/paste/{}/jsonresponse".format(json.loads(aa.text).get('pasteid'))).text).get('libs'):
	if len(x)==4:
		print('\033[1;31m Found a vulnerability for {} \033[0;0m'.format(x[0]))
		print('\033[0;92m Description: \033[0;0m')
		print("Link:", x[3].get(list(x[3].keys())[0]).get('link'))
		print("Library:",x[0], 'Your Version:', x[1], 'Latest Version', x[2])

print('View result on:')

Sidenote termbin.com:

While looking for a alternative to dpaste.com that:
0: is a paste service
1: supports syntax highlighting
2: can be used from the command line

Scratch syntax highlighting(feature request if you read this termbin) and we
cherry picked termbin.
Which lets simply upload a file using netcat.
Normally we love dpaste.com as our main paste tool(which do in fact support syntax highlighting).

Feature requests are welcome :)


rust.firosolutions.com Notificaiton email
We have integrated it to a one click import.
So you get a email notification when a new version of one of your crates gets published or
when a new security vulnerability is released that is affecting one of your crates in the
Cargo.toml file.

Our github app

We have a github application which continuously scans your Cargo.toml file
and creates an issue if you are using a crate with a bad version


If you wanna do more cool thing we have another python script called Cifiro
which you can use together with Jenkins! You find it on our github linked bellow.
