Oracle Java SE CVE-2019-2684 Remote Security Vulnerability

Oracle Java SE CVE-2019-2684 Remote Security Vulnerability

The exploit of the day today is a affecting the Java programming language sub module RMI. This vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Java SE, Java SE Embedded.

CVE: CVE-2019-2684


This affect the linux and redhat package “openjdk-8” and is solved by using your local package manager to upgrade your openjdk-8 package.

Description from the vendor as:

Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: RMI). 
Supported versions that are affected are Java SE: 7u211, 8u202, 11.0.2 and 12; 
Java SE Embedded: 8u201. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated 
attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Java SE, Java SE 
Embedded. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, 
deletion or modification access to critical data or all Java SE, Java SE Embedded accessible 
data. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running 
sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets (in Java SE 8), that load 
and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox 
for security. This vulnerability can also be exploited by using APIs in the specified 
Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. CVSS 3.0 Base Score 5.9 
(Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N). 

External links:
Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - April 2019
Debian Security Advisory Ubuntu

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